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Modern Day Festivals


The Feast of Saint Peter

Every year on the day of the Feast of Saint Peter, which is June 29th, the Zancudos, or dancers, hold a giant festival for their small village. This festival, is the main Danza de los Zancudos.


During the festival, the Zancudos will bring candy and small gifts with them as they dance. When they see a younger kid, they give them either a candy or a gift. 


The festival itself lasts for the whole day, meaning the 80 Zancudos in the entire village must dance for the entire day, trading shifts so they can get a least a little rest.



The Continuation of the Zancudos


The festival that they hold on June 29th also serves as a way for the senior Zancudos to initiate the newer members of their dancing group.


Jose Mendoza has been the captain of the Zancudos for many years and he works primarily with recruiting new dancers, teaching them, and teaching them how to make their stilts.


Jose said that he always tries to recruit kids around 12 to 14 years of age, and it usually takes 2 months for them to learn. Then once they have learned enough, June 29th is their big break into the culture.

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